A journal of programming insights that made me a bit wiser

XCOM 2 Modding: How to Fix Some Mistakes in the UI Doc

As a programmer and a huge XCOM fan, I was pretty excited that XCOM 2 was released with day-one modding support.

For my own mod, I ran some sample code as a starting point. Unfortunately, it didn’t exactly compile– in fact, the sample code is broken.

I finally got it working, but it took some trial-and-error and plenty of struggling. To save everyone else the trouble, I’ve documented the changes here.

Finding the Sample Code

Under the Manipulating current UI elements section of the UI doc (XCOM 2 SDK > Documentation > Tech folder > XCOM2Mods_UserInterface.pdf), this sample code is found:

class UIAddAHudWidgetToPowerCOre extends UIScreenListener;

var UIText DisplayText;

event OnInit(UIScreen Screen)
	local UIFacility_PowerCore PowerCoreScreen;
	local UIText DisplayText;
	local UIPanel BGBox;
	PowerCoreScreen = UIFacility_PowerCore(Screen);
	// Example accessing a child.
	// Let’s spawn a new rectangle graphic
	// inside of the research progress bar.
	BGBox = Spawn(class'UIPanel', PowerCoreScreen);
	// This is relative to the anchor we just set.
	BGBox.SetPosition(100, 100); 
	BGBox.SetSize(400, 200);
	// Now we can put a new text field over that rectangle,
	// also inside the research bar.
	DisplayText = Spawn(class'UIText', PowerCoreScreen).InitText();
	DisplayText.SetY(BGBox.Y + 10);

Event OnReceiveFocus()
	// If the data to display may change on other screens,
	// you need to refresh your text field
	// when you return to this screen.

function RefreshDisplayText()
	/*update the value to what you want to show*/ 
	DisplayText.SetText( "My new value" );

	ScreenClass = class'UIFacility_PowerCore';

Making the Changes

If you build this code, some errors occur. Here are the changes you need to make:

  1. Remove local UIText DisplayText

    On build, the warning Variable declaration: 'DisplayText' conflicts with previously defined field in 'UIAddAHudWidgetToPowerCore' appears.

    UnrealScript has two kinds of variables: Instance and Local. Instance variables exist object-wide, while local variables only exist inside the function that declares them.

    We want object-wide access to setDisplayText in OnInit(UIScreen Screen) and reference it in RefreshDisplayText().

    local UIText DisplayText confuses the compiler by overshadowing the instance variable of the same name. So we remove it.

  2. Change Event OnReceiveFocus() to event OnReceiveFocus(UIScreen Screen)

    On build, the error Redefinition of 'event OnReceiveFocus' differs from original; different number of parameters appears.

    The method signature in UIScreenListener.uc is actually event OnReceiveFocus(UIScreen Screen). Since our class inherits from UIScreenListener, our method signature needs to match to override it.

  3. Replace Spawn with Screen.Movie.Pres.Spawn

    On build, the error Bad or missing expression for token: Spawn, in '=' appears.

    As mentioned here, Spawn() exists outside of UIScreenListener. We declare the scope (i.e. Screen.Movie.Pres) so the compiler knows where to find the method.

  4. Change BGBox.AnchorMiddleLeft() to BGBox.SetAnchor(class'UIUtilities'.const.ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT)

    In UIPanel.uc, similar methods like AnchorBottomRight() are defined. Internally, they call SetAnchor() with constants from UIUtilities.uc. Notice ANCHOR_MIDDLE_LEFT is defined inside UIUtilites, but AnchorMiddleLeft() does not exist.

    Since AnchorMiddleLeft() doesn’t exist, we call SetAnchor(class'UIUtilities'.const.ANCHOR_MIDDLE_LEFT) on BGBox manually.

  5. Add BGBox.Show to OnReceiveFocus()

    From my understanding, intializing a UIPanel isn’t enough. We need to continually refresh via BGBox.Show() as the UI redraws itself.

    This logic is already applied to DisplayText.

The Final Product

After these fixes, the sample code should work. Here’s the final result:

class UIAddAHudWidgetToPowerCore extends UIScreenListener;

var UIText DisplayText;
var UIPanel BGBox;

event OnInit(UIScreen Screen)
	local UIFacility_PowerCore PowerCoreScreen;
	PowerCoreScreen = UIFacility_PowerCore(Screen);
	// Example accessing a child.
	// Let’s spawn a new rectangle graphic
	// inside of the research progress bar.
	BGBox = Screen.Movie.Pres.Spawn(class'UIPanel', PowerCoreScreen);
	// This is relative to the anchor we just set.
	BGBox.SetPosition(100, 100); 
	BGBox.SetSize(400, 200);
	// Now we can put a new text field over that rectangle,
	// also inside the research bar.
	DisplayText = Screen.Movie.Pres.Spawn(
	DisplayText.SetY(BGBox.Y + 10);

event OnReceiveFocus(UIScreen Screen)
	// If the data to display may change on other screens,
	// you need to refresh your text field
	// when you return to this screen.

function RefreshDisplayText()
	/*update the value to what you want to show*/
	DisplayText.SetText( "My new value" );

	ScreenClass = class'UIFacility_PowerCore';

Testing the Changes

Click Debug > Start Debugging. Select your mod and start the game. From here, launch Strategy mode and navigate to the Research tab. This should display:

Sample UI Mod

Not very pretty … but it works.

Incase you’re confused, that black box is indeed our UIPanel. It just looks weird because it’s alpha is 100% (BGBox.SetAlpha(50) makes it look a little more normal).

Hopefully, this post saves you some time and provides a good starting point.

Until next time. Happy modding!